Unfortunately, we do not appear to have a recording of this sermon
Archives: Sermons
Sharing and Prayer (PM)
Sharing and Prayer – Pastor Dale Campbell Unfortunately, we do not appear to have a recording of this sermon
…that I may dwell in the house of the Lord… (AM)
“…that I may dwell in the house of the Lord…” – Pastor Peter Eaton Psalm 27 Today we commission the Freeset team which leaves on January 31st. Team Members Kim Harris Christine White(already in Kolkata) Mark Capill Fraser Capill Cliff Harrison Luke Hodgkinson Rob Hodgkinson Matt Rosenberg Daniel Zhang
The Payment is a Gift (PM)
The Payment is a Gift – Pastor Dale Campbell Psalm 116 Unfortunately, we do not appear to have a recording of this sermon
Since God is with us, then… (PM)
Since God is with us, then… – Christmas Thoughts – Penny Eaton Unfortunately, we do not appear to have a recording of this sermon
A Word from the Holy Spirit (AM)
A Word from the Holy Spirit” – Pastor Peter Eaton Luke 2:22-32 Unfortunately, we do not appear to have a recording of this sermon