
“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5

We believe that children are very important people. We work hard to provide a fun, safe and age-appropriate environment where children can form friendships with each other while they learn more about God. Here are some of the ways we do this…

Kids Rock

School Years 1-6 / Sunday morning programme

Kids Rock is a space your primary school age kids can come, have fun, learn and make new connections while you are in the Sunday@10 service.
Our KidsRockers enjoy Connection Time when they first come in, getting to know one another and their leaders. Then we’re all in together for a Large Group time, where we sing, play games and hear a Bible story presented in a creative and thought-provoking way.

After that, it’s back to small groups for activities and discussion related to the main story. We usually finish at around 11:15 am.

Kids Club

School Years 2-6 / Friday nights Terms 2/3

Kids Club is a Friday night programme full of fun, games, and food for primary school age kids.
We have families coming back year after year and is a real highlight for the kids, they just LOVE IT!
You can register here.